Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Windows 8 application release in 2012 ?



One reason for Microsoft to not comment about Windows 8 might be caused by trauma Vista. Many are hoping Windows 8 to deliver the right technology at the time.  Apparently, the pressure appears due to the success of Windows 7 itself, to the extent that the user does not want the version of Windows that is more than Windows 7.  According to Forrester Research, only one percent of all firms in the U.S. and Europe who want to skip Windows 7 to wait for the next version.  The rest, 99 percent would request that Microsoft did not rush to replace Windows 7 be Windows 8. It is not surprising that a Microsoft employee through his blog (currently, the blog postings have been removed) revealed that Windows 8 is completely different and operation of the computer will be a revolution.


windows-8-press release



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