Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ultramodern Internet Office Interior from Za Bor Architect



Ultramodern Internet Office Interior picture.

There are stacks partitions are made of a thin profile in the corridor, and the wood used in the workplace, not just aesthetic, but also light soundproof effect is disclosed. Its has various facilities such as conference rooms large and small meetings, a kitchen, coffee points and traditional communication space and the zone of public works, and gymnasium.

Yandek is the most popular Internet services company located in Yekaterinburg, Russia. This office has a modern internet with a unique building that resembles a circle at the top and office space is concentrated around the elevator. Yandex is the Internet Office of Architect of Modern Interior designed by Za Bor. We can find the wood and cork in elected office as the main facing material. Modern-Internet-Office-Interior-01



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